© Mime > Summer intensive 2017 Rom/Toricella


Dr. Jan Romberg Britzer Damm 123 12347 Berlin, Germany m: +491621979137 E: office@mind-movement.org school.mind-movement.org


>Where you can meet us

We are international. The workshop will be in Berlin but if you are interested in further training, here you have a good chance.


Passing by in Rome? Visit the creative center Teatro della Bottega in V.Leopoldo Ruspoli, 97.


In Dresden and Berlin you can see us performing often. We organize festivals like Internationales Pantomimetheaterfestival Dresden and MIME>BERLIN.


Dieses Projekt wird von der Europäischen Kommission ko-finanziert
© Mime > Summer intensive 2016 Berlin


Dr. Jan Romberg Britzer Damm 123 12347 Berlin, Germany m: +491621979137 E: office@mind-movement.org school.mind-movement.org


>Where you can meet us

We are international. The workshop will be in Berlin but if you are interested in further training, here you have a good chance.


Passing by in Rome? Visit the creative center Teatro della Bottega in V.Leopoldo Ruspoli, 97.


In Dresden and Berlin you can see us performing often. We organize festivals like Internationales Pantomimetheaterfestival Dresden and MIME>BERLIN.
